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The Yards

Director: James Gray

Genre: Crime/Thriller

Year: 1999

Running time: 115 minutes

Territory: International

Studio: Paramount

Cast: Mark Wahlberg , Joaquin Phoenix, Charlize Theron, James Caan, Ellen Burstyn, Faye Dunaway

After being imprisoned for a crime he didn’t commit, Leo Handler just wants to get his life back on track, so he heads home to take a job in the New York City subway yards, where his highly connected Uncle Frank now runs the show. He meets up with his old childhood friend, Willie Guitierrez, his cousin, and his girlfriend, Erica, and for once he feels settled and safe. He soon discovers, however, that Uncle Frank has turned the family business into a dangerous world of sabotage, high-stakes payoffs, and murder. He inadvertently gets a hold of some information that makes him a target of the most ruthless family in the city, and in the interest of justice he vows to expose them all.


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