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What’s Love Got To Do With It

Director: Brian Gibson

Genre: Biography

Year: 1993

Running time: 118 minutes

Territory: International

Studio: Disney

Format: 4K DCP

Cast: Angela Bassett, Laurence Fishburne, Rae'Ven Kelly

Language options: Dialogue - EN

Based on the life of the legendary soul singer, Tina Turner (Angela Bassett) -- born Anna Mae Bullock -- discovers her love of singing in her Tennessee church choir. She moves to St. Louis to pursue a career, and there she meets the charismatic Ike Turner (Laurence Fishburne), who rechristens her Tina and offers to help her succeed. As a musical team, Ike and Tina take the charts by storm. But as his physical abuse worsens, Tina has to make the tough decision to leave Ike and set out on her own.


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