Made entirely of Scottish film archive footage, is a 75-minute film by award-winning director Virginia Heath, featuring a transcendent score by Scottish musician and composer King Creosote. A journey into Scotland's collective past, the film explores universal themes of love, loss, resistance, migration, work and play. Ordinary people, some long since dead, their names and identities largely forgotten, appear shimmering from the depth of the vaults to take a starring role.
The film is now available for international festival screenings and UK theatrical bookings.
Preview screening with live performance of the score. Photo: Tommy Ga-Ken Wan
Throughout summer 2014, Scottish audiences will be able to see the film in cinemas, at home or at an outdoor event where King Creosote will perform a live accompaniment at Glasgow Green, on the evening of 31 July, as part of the Commonwealth Games' celebrations in Glasgow.
There will be a Scotland-only television broadcast on Sunday 22nd June at 10.00pm on BBC2. The DVD and iTunes UK and Ireland release is set for 21 July.
The film will also screen at selected Scottish cinemas with post-screening Q&A sessions throughout August and September.
The soundtrack will be released by Domino Recordsoad on 21 July.
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